Job Search
We hope these tools will be helpful in your job search!
Careers Internet Database
Take a Career Test, Plan Your Education, Find Career List & Report, Resume Creator and much more. Click on the above link and enter User Name: 1279w Password: future
Workforce Solutions
Texas Workforce Commission
Apply for Jobs, file unemployment, and build resumes.
Texas Libraries
Looking for a job in Texas? Local libraries are great place to start your search. The above link will help you find addresses and phone numbers of libraries all over Texas along with links to websites.
TWDL Texas Workskills Development in Libraries
The above link takes you to a website that was designed to help patrons with job searching, resume writing, basic computer skills and much more. 5 Library systems developed this project which is free to all patrson.
Glassdoor is a comprehensive career resource with information on thousands of companies. Glassdoor includes salary and bonuses and details for specific jobs at specific companies as well as actual interview questions and hiring process details.
Indeed Job Search Job Search site-Easy to use