Texas Workskills Development in Libraries (TWDL)
Texas Workskills Development in Libraries seeks to enhance and build workforce skills for Texans by assisting library staff, management, and volunteers in compiling 21st Century job training resources. These resources will ultimately support Texans in elevating their standard of living through education and employment.
All Texans are invited to explore the TWDL website, twdl.org. The site is a one-stop shop for job seekers and individuals wanting to improve their computer skills. Information available on twdl.org include links to self-paced tutorials, lists of agencies offering free training by region, and much more.
Texas Workskills Development in Libraries is a coooperative effort by Big Country Library System, Houston Area Library System, North Texas Library Partners, Northeast Texas Library System, Texas Trans-Pecos Library System, and West Texas Library System. It is funded by a grant from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.